Combine e-mail, calendar and enterprise-solutions with Zimbra

Modern business-communication with Zimbra

Zimbra is a e-mail-, calendar- and communication-solution for companies, which is designed for private- as well es public-could. With the redesigned interface, Zimbra is the most innovative messaging-solution available, connecting users to their informations and activities. Zimbra will enhance your communication in business.

For further Informationen zu Zimbra, klicken Sie hier or take Kontakt zu uns on.


Zimbra download: Now configure Zimbra - hosting according to your needs

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Collaboration and cooperation on a Zimbra server

The Zimbra collaboration server can be shared internal or external.

  • Share your inbox, mail-folder, adressbook and contacts, calendar, tasks and files.

  • Choose multiple options for deployment: in a private cloud as a virtual appliance or hosted in a public cloud

  • Choose on your granted permissions: read, write or administrative access

  • All settings available for users can be restricted, based on permissions configured by the administrator.

Groups and roles - Shares

With the Sharing-Management, you can assign new users of an organisation to existing groups or roles. By doing that your assign according permissions for features, folders and documents. The settings for this are available for the administrator to manage user permissions fast and easily.

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Organize documents and attachments

The integrated document-management by using the briefcase is a very easy way to handle editing of documents. You can upload several files from the desktop to the briefcase in only one step. Attachments from e-mails can be stored into the briefcase directly, instead of downloading them to the desktop. Files can be attached to e-mails easily or even shared with other users.

Manage tasks in Zimbra

You can create personal or  team-tasks with according due-dates, priority and progress within Zimbra. Based on the attribute you can easily sort and find tasks. You can add reminders to taks and receive reminders by e-mail. Add notes or attachments to your tasks to have all information available.

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Oder einfach nur E-Mail

Natürlich liegt das Augenmerk im Empfang und Versand von E-Mails. Durch die Integration bekannter Open Source E-Mail Systemen ist Zimbra hoch flexibel und in jeglicher Hinsicht gewappnet für Ihr Unternehmen.

Haben Sie schonmal das Gefühl gehabt, Ihr Outlook braucht eine Ewigkeit um eine E-Mail zu finden? Das passiert Ihnen bei Zimbra nicht. Dank der Such Integrierung finden Sie E-Mails in Sekunden und das selbst bei großen Postfächern.

Sie brauchen Hilfe bei der Migration von Exchange zu Zimbra oder von einem anderen E-Mail Anbieter. Kein Problem. Auch das können wir. Wir helfen Ihnen gerne bei dem Umzug Ihres Servers zu einem sicheren Hosting bei der IT IS AG. 


Eine Fülle von Möglichkeiten

Zimbra is ein vollwertiger Ersatz für den Exchange Server und Integriert Outlook problemlos.

Sie wollen also nicht auf Ihr bekanntes Frontend verzichten: Klar kein Problem. Durch den Outlook Connector lässt sich Outlook spielend mit einem Zimbra Server verbinden.

Mehr zu Zimbra Erfahren Sie hier:

Which Zimbra features are required for your business?

Buy Zimbra open source or Zimbra? We would be pleased to advise you in detail about the possible uses of Zimbra.

Zimbra Desktop

Zimbra Desktop is a free,  Open-Source-E-Mail-Client, which allows you to access your e-mails online and offline. The client is available for Windows, Mac OS or Linux. Zimbra Desktop is designed to work with many e-mail-systems to synchronize e-mails, contacts and calendars between mailboxes in the cloud and local data stored on the computer. While the synchronization requires netzwork connectivity, Zimbra Desktop can be used offline too, if the computer ist not connected to the internet.

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Service provider







Zimbra Talk

Live-Chat - Video - Webcast

Get the maximum from Zimbra and push your communication to a new level! Host XMPP-based Live-Chats, WebRTC-video and audio-calls directly with Zimbra - everything without additional software or plugins! Everyhting you need ist a browser on a device of your choice and internet-connectivity.  The perfect tool for a better collaboration and central communication with your colleagues, custommers and friends.


Add participants to the chat


Video and audio in high quality


Buddy list with status and more


According your requirements



Work togehter on docments


See and track historical data